”t’s not about equality in America…it’s about Black and Islamist Supremacy…and this ‘colorblind’ government is currently guilty of racism…giving preference to blacks over whites…and giving preference to Islamist over Christians in America…so there is not racial equality in America currently with these laws made to void our Constitution, in the name of ‘equality’ or ‘justice’ “

Stephen Schroeder shared a link via The Five on Fox (Fans).Before it got removed here it is captured: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/22/homeland-security-employees-hate-filled-website-to-prepare-blacks-for-the-inevitable-clash-with-the-white-race/

How the ‘Dream’ of Martin Luther King has become the Nightmare of America. On this day, the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, we need to take an honest look at race relations today in America to see if we are realizing the dream of a society of peace, security, and equality…with no preferences given to one race over another, nor persecution, profiling, targeting, and persecuting a group because of their race or religion…and that this ‘dream society ‘ could only become a reality by peaceful, non-violent means, by changing the hearts of men, making it their desire to do the right thing…but the reality is…America is being led astray, led away from Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream, being encouraged to ‘act up’ and ‘disrupt’ with violence being covertly encouraged as part of a necessary step in destabilizing the current government of the Constitution, to establish Islamic law upon our soil…it’s part of the procedure of establishing Islamic government within secular societies…and the reason why Obama injected racial politics into the Justice System by talking about Trayvon looking like his son.
America has witnessed a spike in violent attacks against Whites since Obama’s rejection of the Judge’s ruling and the Jury’s verdict in the Zimmerman trial, that the black teen Trayvon had been killed in self-defense, a verdict that the Department of Justice, under the control of a black Attorney General, has rejected and continues to use valuable resources to continue to investigate Zimmerman, after being found innocent of any wrongdoing… for any possible evidence of racism that may have motivated Zimmerman into killing a black teen…yet we hear nothing from the black President, the black Attorney General about investigating any of these many violent attacks and racially motivated murders by black teens on ‘vulnerable’ White people like the 89 year old WWII vet named ‘shorty’…a small White kid on a school bus, a White baby in its stroller, shot in the face in front of her Mother, a White jogger shot in the back just for the fun of it…the black shooter claiming on the internet that he ‘hates white people…90% of white people are nasty…and has knocked out at least 5 whites since the Zimmerman trial…yet the DA claims that there is not enough evidence to use ‘hate crime’ charges, and no evidence that the killing was racially motivated! Maybe the DOJ can stop investigating Zimmerman who has already been found innocent, and start investigating these many hate crimes, racially motivated against whites by black teens…maybe the President could say something about the white victims who have had their Civil Rights violated …instead of claiming that he’s never heard of their names.
Speaking of investigating…we demand an immediate investigation into the Homeland Security Dept. head who was responsible for purchasing guns and ammo for Federal Agencies…and since the black Attorney General Eric Holder has been caught illegally and unlawfully funneling weapons to criminal organizations and Islamist terrorist (without any consequences for his criminal activity) we need an independent investigation into Homeland Security ammo purchases, to determine how much ammo was purchased, and who has possession of the ammo…especially the ammo that neither the Police nor the Military are allowed to use…why was all the ammo purchased, and who currently has possession of it…especially with the revelation that the Homeland Security Department Head responsible for these purchases is a black supremist militant calling for a race war in America and thousands of Whites are going to have to be killed (this would also explain the purchase of thousands of guillotines) The website of the Homeland Security department head was called ‘War on the Horizon’ and I visited it yesterday and made a post…however the website has been removed and no longer available for review. And the black supremist, working in such a key position of Homeland Security, Ayo Kimathi is currently on paid administrative leave. So while considering if a Black President, a Black Attorney General, Affirmative Action-reverse racism, giving preference to one race over another, and this Black Administrations use of Federal Agencies to spy on, target, profile, prosecute, and persecute because they are White, Conservative, Christians…and break our laws, and violate our Constitution without consequences…if they can control our justice system by their demands to arrest, try in court, and demand their guilt…while able to ignore Civil Rights violations of white people….if that’s not good enough to make blacks feel equal…then Americans need to come to the conclusion, that it’s not about equality in America…it’s about Black and Islamist Supremacy…and this ‘colorblind’ government is currently guilty of racism…giving preference to blacks over whites…and giving preference to Islamist over Christians in America…so there is not racial equality in America currently with these laws made to void our Constitution, in the name of ‘equality’ or ‘justice’
Contact your Congressman, Senator, Governor or Mayor, and demand that your Civil Rights be considered equal to that of blacks…demand an investigation into these racially motivated attacks against whites….equal justice under law…no selective law enforcement…no preference given in investigating ‘hate crimes’…and tell them to stop calling criminal activity ‘mistakes’…and demand consequences for these high crimes…and demand an investigation into Homeland Security, and a through audit of these ammo purchases…and return the hollow point bullets back on the shelves for the hunters, and not in the hands of these Islamist and Black Supremist calling for a race war, a holy war in America against Whites, Conservatives, and Christians…do it now.
Let this day, this 50th Anniversary of the dream speech be the day that we say as a Nation…the time of racial preferences is over…the government shall not give preference to one religious establishment over another regardless if minority or majority…no infringement upon our rights…and no preference given to one over the other…starting today…there is no other way to prevent a dream from becoming a nightmare…no other way to prevent this paradise becoming purgatory.
Stand up for your God given rights and freedoms…Speak out against those who think themselves to be above the law…demand consequences for those who break the laws and attempt to abolish the Constitution…and stop spying on us, persecuting us, discriminating against us, inciting hatred against us, stop dividing the nation, and stop breaking the laws, stop kicking the pricks, and stop provoking God into wrath against this Nation.

I wonder if Obama will comment on the Mess on Washington today, and what was said…Maybe he will tell them like he told Putin…’you need to stop thinking in the past, and get over it so we can move foreward.”…but Obama should say something about those things that were said today…
Simeon wright cousin of Emmet Till…we’re not going to run away…were gonna change this system.
Sybrina Fulton -Trayvon Marin is not just my son, he’s all our son”
Rev. joseph Lowery…’we come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” “We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.” We come to Washington to commemorate…we go back home to agitate.”
Bernice King’s Prayer to stomp on the enemy…stomp on those who are for ‘stand your ground’ law, stomp on those who are for guns….and last but least Al Sharpton who closed his message of the ‘movement’ to overthrow our system of government, and our American way of life…quoting scripture from St. John talking about seeing a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’ and that is referring to their ‘New America’ echoing Obama’s call for a ‘New Beginning’ AKA the United Nations ‘New World Order’….a global peace plan via Islamic Socialism, with the abolishment of the Constitutions of men and replacing the rights and freedoms of man with the primitive laws of the Quran.
Al Sharpton’s reference to the New Earth of Revelation is after the battle of Armageddon (which it seems the Department of Homeland Security has been planning for and inciting, advocating a race war and murder of Whites and Christians in America) but that New Heaven and New Earth spoken of by John in the Book of Revelation is not about America….not while it’s under the control of these Masonic Beast and Islamic False Prophets…these ‘anti-Christs’ will not prevail, and this will not be a ‘New Earth’ until the anti-Christ are defeated by the sword that they lived by, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ, He is Lord…and not this god Allah, who like Obama, beget not a son.
And the good news is that Al Sharpton has condemned himself…he’s a ‘Reverend’ he should know better than do what he did…ignoring the warning from the book of Revelation to those who would add to or take away from the words of Revelation….to make it mean something other than what it was written to mean…for doing so brings forth a curse…and Rev. Al Sharpton just shot himself in the spiritual foot and has condemned himself to a worse punishment than I could think of…if any good news comes from this…is the knowledge that the Word causes our adversaries to destroy themselves, by their own words, from their own mouth…who were convinced that there would be no consequences of inciting such hatred and division.

~ by WORDWarriorDeb on August 25, 2013.